Three breakfast smoothies with chia seeds and raw honey

Three breakfast smoothies with chia seeds and raw honey

Do you start the day with a smoothie?  Pictured is is one of my favourites, a homemade chia seed smoothie (image taken by my daughter Amehl).

To make it just throw mango, spinach, apple, chia seeds, strawberries and water together in a blender, whizz together and it comes out beautifully green.

Have you tried chia seeds in smoothies for breakfast? Another one I make is banana and chia seeds which you just leave overnight soaked in coconut milk. In the morning add cinnamon and beautiful Sidr honey for a scrumptious start to the day.

Chia seeds are good for digestion, joints and they help sustain you for longer (so you don’t get hunger pangs and temptations to snack). I don’t always soak them, sometimes I just throw them in…

Another delicious smoothie twist is to use mango. Take a nice ripe fruit, some chia seeds and water and a (generous) tablespoon or two of wild flower honey which intensifies the sweetness of the mango. This certainly sets me up for the day and it puts a spring in my step. Let me know if you try it.

Using raw honey in your smoothie is good for two reasons. It’s the only natural sweetener that contains additional health promoting nutrients and enzymes. Pure raw honey has over 200 – so you have an extra dose of healthy goodness as well as the great taste. It also gives slow release energy, so together with the fruit and chia, it fortifies you – so no more snacking.

Another nutritious start to the day is millet. Put it in water, bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes. It comes out looking a bit like couscous. A drizzle of beautiful Sumar Yemeni honey with banana and cinnamon makes it perfect. Organic, natural yogurt optional.


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